Creating Email Alias
To add your email alias, please follow these instruction:
- Click your domain that has been verified.
- Click the “Aliases” menu in Manage Data page.
- Click “Create New Alias” button.
- Fill your username on the email address field.
- Fill your email address destination on Go To Address field.
- Click Save button.
- Click OK button on the “alias added” notification.
- Done.
Editing email alias
To edit the alias, please follow the instruction below:
- Click “Edit” button on the desire address.
- Edit the New Go To field then click “Save” button
- Click “OK” button on the “Are You Sure?” notification.
- Click “OK” button on the “mailbox_modified” notification.
- Done.
Deleting email alias
To delete the alias, please choose the address and click “REMOVE” button on the Action column