Domain Verification

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How to Verify the Domain in Kerjamail

Now you are in the domain verification section. To verify, follow the steps below.

First, click the Copy button.

Open a new tab and make sure you are already logged in to your DNS Manager. If not, please log in first.

In this guide, we use Cloudflare as the DNS Manager. If you use a different DNS Manager, please adjust accordingly.

Add a new record with the following conditions:

  • Type : TXT.
  • Name : @.
  • TTL : Auto. f there is no auto option in your DNS Manager, please fill in with 3600, 7200 or 14400.
  • Content : Paste the verification code you copied earlier.

Continue by clicking the Save button.

Now your record has been saved.

Then go back to the Kerjamail dashboard and click the Verify button.

Click the OK button on the success notification.

If successful, you will proceed to step 2, which is Business Details.

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