Internal Broadcast Email

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  1. Choose an Active Domain.
  2. Go to the “Broadcast” menu.
  3. Select the “Reply to, Subject, and Message”.
  4. Click the “Send Broadcast” and then click the “OK” button in the notification.
  5. If you receive the “X” notification, go back to the “Manage Data” section.
  6. Go to the “Mailbox User”.
  7. Select the “Use Name”, and then click the “Edit” button on the Action column.
  8. Edit the “Password”.
  9. Click the “Save” and then click the “OK” buttons.
    Steps 5 to 8 are only done once for the mailbox that sends the broadcast for the first time. After changing the password change process, you can immediately broadcast without changing the password again.
  10. Go back to the “Broadcast” section.
  11. Repeat the step 3 and 4.
  12. Go to the “Messages” page to see the history of your broadcast.
  13. Done.

To view the email broadcast in recipients, go to the Kerjamail Inbox. Fill in the username and password. You will see the email broadcast that you created has succeeded.

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